Health & Safety


Health and Safety Policy

Paragon prioritizes the importance of safety and loss management during all projects, and we are proud of the fact that our recordable and lost-time incident rate is zero. Paragon demonstrates a strong safety culture, promoted and maintained by a comprehensive safety program that focuses on the health, safety and well being of our workers, as well as limiting our environmental impact when conducting business. We work with clients, subcontractors, and colleagues to thoroughly identify and mitigate hazards in the workplace and create a safe work environment.


Paragon is a proud holder of a Certificate of Recognition for safety excellence through the Alberta Construction Safety Association. In addition, our company is registered in the WCB’s Partners in Injury Reduction (PIR) program and has received Best Safety Performer status for a number of years through the Occupational Health & Safety Council. Paragon is also qualified through several third party safety performance assessment services, including:


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